The Full Story
The idea of the Block Captain program in Encino Park is to have one centralized
representative for each street or block in the neighborhood. Some smaller streets have
combined with larger streets and some larger streets have dual or “co-captains.”
If you are the “Go-To Person” for your street, please think about becoming the Block
Captain or “Neighborhood Ambassador” for your street or block of Encino Park.
Whether you are officially or unofficially the Block Captain or the “Go-To Person,”
please sign up to get on our email list and receive important helpful information
regarding important events and activities happening in our community.
How do I sign up to volunteer as Block Captain or “Neighborhood Ambassador?”
To get more information about the Block Captain program or to sign up, simply
complete the form located at https://forms.gle/PGTsuYwLNmoF7b1U9, or reach out to
Daphne & Gail at 210-901-9936 or by email to EPBlockCaptains@gmail.com.
If I sign up to be a Block Captain or “Neighborhood Ambassador,” what am I
required to do?
The EP Block Captain committee chair will occasionally reach out to you with important
or helpful information for you to communicate to the residents on your street/block.
Some examples are:
● The EPHOA Annual meeting and election of HOA Board Members, voting of
HOA items, or a special presentation by SAWS, CPS, or TXDOT that we can all
benefit from.
● Urgent crime and safety concerns that need to be communicated to the
● Activities happening in the community.
● Assist with welcoming new EP neighbors by alerting the us when new residents
move in to request and/or hand out welcome bags from the EPHOA
If I sign up to be a Block Captain or “Neighborhood Ambassador,” how long do I
have to do it?
The volunteer position is as long as you like.
Are there meetings?
On the last Sunday in August at 2pm, we have an informational “virtual” get-together for
ALL Encino Park Neighbors, Block Captains and Neighborhood Ambassadors. Please
RSVP here to receive the ZOOM link for the August virtual meeting
Are there events?
On the first Tuesday of October, we promote the annual San Antonio Neighbors
Together community outreach initiative event intended to bring neighborhoods together,
while also fostering a police-community relationship. The purpose of the event is to
organize and unite neighborhoods against crime. It has been proven that in
communities where neighbors know each other, there are lower crime rates. Activities
for that day can range from as little as neighbors turning on their porch lights at 7pm,
handing out the Encino Park Goodie Bags we put together, to having an outside block
party potluck.
Studies indicate that neighbors who know each other report less crime in the
area. Our goal is to have little or no crime in Encino Park!
We are always looking for volunteers, so please consider becoming a Block Captain or
“Neighborhood Ambassador” for your street. We understand that each of you has a
different level of participation, and we do appreciate your help in whatever capacity and
time allotment you can. We would greatly appreciate your help to continue to make
Encino Park a strong and safe community where neighbors help neighbors. Imagine if
each of us contributed only 6 hours a year, we could make our neighborhood, Encino
Park, an even more wonderful place to live!
Thank you!
Daphne Sohocki and Gail Lamb
EP Block Captains Co-Committee Chairs
Register your SA Neighbors Together plans/event at both of the following links:
1. Here with the City of San Antonio: https://www.sanantonio.gov/SAPD/NeighborsTogether#300014300-register
2. Here with the Encino Park Block Captain Committee:
RSVP here to receive the ZOOM link for the virtual meeting on the LAST Sunday in
August at 2pm
Please join our Encino Park Block Captain Social Media groups:
EP Goodie Bag Sponsorship
Could your business, workplace, or EP Committee contribute to our EP Goodie bag?
Email or call us today, or fill out your information here:
City of San Antonio Neighbors Together links
Sign up with our EPHOA Management, Spectrum Association Management at
Follow the Encino Park HOA Official Facebook page: