We meet the second Monday of the Month at the Community Center at 7 pm unless otherwise announced. (check the site calendar)
The Encino Park Women's Club has a long history of supporting our community. What began over 30 years ago as a way for the ladies of the community to gather and help raise money for a playground has grown to become an active, diversified and spirited way to connect and serve the neighborhood.
Club Activities:
Annual Market Days
Santa's Visit
Holiday Party and Auction
Valentine Day "Evening Out"
Easter Egg Hunt
Scholarship Award
May Banquet
Monthly Out to Lunch Bunch
What do we do at the monthly meetings?
From Bunco to Fashion Shows, our own "Antiques Roadshow" to accessory exchange - we have some kind of fun every month.
We have had "Fit Food" and wind tastings, game nights, and learned how to treat our skin better.
The funds that we raise from our annual market days are used in a manner to enhance and enrich our Encino Park community. Each member of the club has the opportunity for feedback and to vote on how the money is spent.