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Encino Park is full of history, you can see it and feel it when speaking with long time residents.

They have shown it in many ways over the years. You will notice the sub pages that are all by decade. Much of the information came from the timeline in the community center. 


We are currently working on scanning in those pictures so that they can be viewed here as well. 


If you have any pictures or newsletters you would like to share on the website, please feel free to stop by the office or email them to We would love to be able to show even more of the history to all. 


Late 1970s: Denton Development Co. began Encino Park as a Planned Unit Development on land extending from the present-day southern boundaries of Encino Park to Marshall Road on the north and from the present western boundaries to Bulverde Rd. on the east. After several houses were built and sold in the first unit to be developed, a community was formed that qualified for organization into Municipal Utility District #1, which would sell bonds to pay for construction of water and sewer mains throughout the neighborhood with the authority to tax residents with the purpose of repaying the bond debt. MUD #1 purchased power, water, and sewer services from the city of San Antonio and resold them to its residents.


1980: Encino Park was chosen as the site of the Parade of Homes in the spring. By June, MUD #1 was officially organized and home-building was well under way. Sixteen model homes were built along Encino Vista, and Encino Rio was paved as far as the swimming pool (which, along with the tennis courts, was under construction).


1982: A Homeowners Association dominated by the developer was in place, with two homeowners on the board. In the fall, HOA President Bill Jurczyn recruited residents to start a community newsletter. Jean Crowder, Barbara Kelley, and Joanne Tate volunteered, and Deanna White was asked (and agreed) to join the newly formed newsletter committee.

By the end of the year, about 280 families lived in Encino Park, and Forest Village, the Forest, and the Ridge were under development. A newly formed volunteer fire department was based in a temporary building on Encino Way. The entire area had been attached to the Northeast Independent School District (NEISD) pending an appeal (later dismissed) by the Comal County Independent School District (CCISD). The Women’s Club was formed and began a craft class.


1983: The newsletter committee assembled and published the first issue of Encino Park News in January, the same month the Women’s Club distributed the first neighborhood directory, which it had produced. Dotty Hougen donated the paper, block captains (organized by the club and also tasked with welcoming duties) collected information, computer work and copying was accomplished by resident volunteers, and a subcommittee of the club comb-bound the books. Budget, tennis, and swimming pool subcommittees were operating within the club, and unofficial groups included babysitting and vegetable co-ops, a ladies’ bridge club, and pinochle and Bunco groups.


In April, MUD #1 held elections for three places on the Board of Directors, and three Encino Park residents were elected, taking control of the five-member board. Later in the year, a group of homeowners circulated a petition asking the city of San Antonio to annex Encino Park MUD #1; 306 homeowners (from a total of 340 occupied homes) signed the petition, and it was submitted to the city.


By the summer, the swim team was in full operation and swimming lessons began at the pool. The Pool Committee organized pool parties for middle- and high-school students.

The inaugural Women’s Club Craft Fair, featuring handicrafts made by its members, was held at Terry Milton’s home, resulting in a profit for the club.


In early December, the Women’s Club delivered an updated directory, which provided current information about the neighborhood. Costs for the new directory were covered by advertising, and the club earned a net profit on the project. The club also sponsored a Christmas decoration contest and sold waterproof red bows for residents to decorate their mailboxes for the holiday.


1984: The Women’s Club decided to use its accumulated funds to build a playground for Encino Park children. Under Betty Hayes’ leadership, the playground committee solicited donations from the community, including the Redland Worth Corp. (45 tons of pea gravel); U.I.C. Contracting (grading and clearing); Kopplow Construction (a Bobcat and workers to spread the gravel), and the Encino Park builders. These donations, along with $4,000 of seed money from the Women’s Club and the work of many resident volunteers, resulted in the beginning of the playground.


Encino Park—except for MUD #1—was sold to a group of investors in the spring. This sale limited Encino Park proper to the original MUD #1 and three streets that had been developed in the Hollows (i.e., MUD #2).


In April, the first community garage sale was held, marking the first year of what would come to be a popular annual event. Also that spring, the NEISD redrew its school boundaries; neighborhood elementary school students were transferred from Thousand Oaks Elementary to Coker Elementary (where they would remain until the completion of Encino Park Elementary in late 1989).


On July 10, MUD #1 received approval for the construction of an office and storage building on land leased from the HOA. The building was planned to be the new home of the Encino Park Volunteer Fire Department as well as offices for both MUDs.


At the annual meeting of the HOA in October, two board members representing the developer declined to run for reelection, and for the first time homeowners outnumbered developer members on the board. Barbara Kelley and Ray Wilkinson were elected, Karl Sweetman was reelected, Julie Koppenheffer was appointed to fill a term, and Ginger Sweeney became the first Encino Park resident to be elected as President of the HOA board.


On Oct. 7, the Encino Park Volunteer Fire Department disbanded after the City of San Antonio announced plans to annex Encino Park on Dec. 31.


1985: The Encino Park playground was completed and donated to the HOA in January. Also that month, as a result of the annexation to San Antonio, the building on Encino Rio reverted to the HOA. It became the headquarters of the HOA and was later named as the Community Center.


The two large water tanks at the north and south ends of the Encino Park’s original land were completed in March, solving water pressure problems reported by some residents.

1986: Jeanne DeAlba was hired by the HOA in January to be its first professional manager. In March a new voting precinct comprised mostly of Encino Park was formed and designated Precinct 3114. The Women’s Club sponsored the first Easter Egg Hunt for neighborhood children. In the fall of 1986, high-school students were reassigned from MacArthur High School to Churchill High School.


1987: As part of Phase I of a five-phase landscape plan, in February the HOA board began landscaping the common areas and four medians in Encino Rio from Highway 281 to the pool area. The Women’s Club 1987 Craft Fair earned a profit, and the proceeds were set aside to help with later stages of the landscape plan.


1988: Phase II of the landscape plan was completed. It included re-landscaping of the playground and recreation area: adding sidewalks, planters, berms, water fountains, horseshoe courts, and new benches; replacing shrubs and laying new sod; filling holes and low areas; improving drainage; and installing a new sprinkler system. A volleyball court was also completed in June thanks to donations from the Women’s Club ($2,000; the proceeds from the 1987 Craft Fair) and the HOA (an additional $4,000).


Notable Facts about Encino Park, 1989–1994



  •  Schools included Encino Park Elementary, Driscoll Middle School, and Churchill High School. 

  • Residents shopped at the H.E.B. at Loop 1604 and US 281-N, Albertsons at Thousand Oaks, North Star Mall, and Rolling Oaks Mall.  

  • Nearby restaurants included McDonald’s, Pizza Hut, Wendy’s near Brook Hollow, and County Line BBQ.

  • San Pedro (US 281-N) was four lanes with a stoplight at Encino Rio. 

  • The closest gas station was the Lone Star Gas Station on Encino Rio. 

  • North Central Baptist off of Stone Oak and Northeast Baptist Hospital off of Loop 410 were the closest hospitals. 

  • The most convenient movie theater was the Embassy at Bitters. 

  • Clubs and organizations included the baby-sitting co-op, woman’s club, bowling league, block captains, fall bible study, bridge club, swim team, book exchange, vegetable co-op, the out-to-lunch bunch, gourmet club, and Bunco.


Notable Facts about Encino Park, 1994–1999



  • Schools included Encino Park Elementary, Driscoll Middle School, Bush Middle School, Churchill High School, and Reagan High School. 

  • Residents shopped at the H.E.B. at Loop 1604 and US 281-N, Albertsons at Thousand Oaks, North Star Mall, Rolling Oaks Mall, and Wal-Mart. 

  • Popular restaurants were Sun Sun, Barnacle Bill’s, Bill Miller’s BBQ at Loop 1604 and US 281-N, and Zio’s Italian Kitchen. 

  • US 281-N was four lanes with more stoplights north of Encino Rio, and Loop 1604 was 4–6 lanes throughout. 

  •  The closest gas station was Fina Gas at Encino Ledge and Encino Rio. 

  •  North Central Baptist, off of Stone Oak, was the closest hospital. 

  •  Popular clubs and organizations were playgroup, woman’s club, bowling league, swim team, the out-to-lunch bunch, tennis club, gourmet group, and Bunco.


Notable Facts about Encino Park, 1999–2004




  •  Schools included Encino Park Elementary, Driscoll Middle School, Bush Middle School, Churchill High School, Reagan High School, and Tejeda Middle School. 

  • Places to shop included Albertsons at US 281-N and Evans (which would later become H.E.B.), Wal-Mart, the North Star Mall, and the Rolling Oaks Mall. 

  • McDonald’s on US 281-N at near Evans, the Chinese buffet off Encino Rio, Las Palapas, What-a-Burger, Sonic Drive-in, Taco Cabana, and Subway were all convenient restaurants. 

  • US 281-N was restriped for 6 lanes. Loop 1604 was 4–6 lanes throughout.  

  • The closest gas station was Fina Gas at Encino Ledge and Encino Rio.

  • North Central Baptist, off of Stone Oak, was the closest hospital.

  •  Northwoods Theater, near Loop 1604 and US 281-N, was the closest movie theater. 

  • Clubs and organizations included playground, woman’s club, swim team, tennis club, gourmet group, Bunco, volleyball camp, summer reading program, YMCA youth program, and art club.


Notable Facts about Encino Park, 2006–2010


Because of the US 281-N Super Street construction, the Encino Park Home Owners Association was forced to move the community’s 30-year-old entryway sign. In response to this change, the landmark sign was carefully removed and placed in the community’s bay area, and a new sign was designed for the community entrance. It resides among a rock wall, oak trees, and blooming spring flowers to represent our ever-growing community.


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