About Us

Over 50 Club
The Club meets the first and third Tuesday at the Community Center at 11:30 a.m. While the Club started out for only Encino Park residents, as long as a majority percentage of members are maintained, non-residents are welcome. The main purpose of the group is to provide a safe and relaxed forum for our mature residents to socialize.
Encino Park relevant information is shared by the presiding officer, light lunch is enjoyed and the attendees socialize. Games are often played, such as cards, dominoes, Rummikub or Scrabble; occasionally the group goes out to lunch around holidays, and throughout the year pot lucks are organized especially around the winter holidays. Occasionally trips are arranged to places of interest to the members. There is a mid-year auction where members bring a gently used or new item that is auctioned. The funds raised offset the payment of dues and cover the incidental expenses of water and paper goods. Three members volunteer each meeting to bring the light lunch. An extension of the playfulness of this Club has spawned the Encino Park Game Day.
To get more information, call Dyan Montesclaros at 481-7890.
Chair and Reporter– Dyan Montesclaros
Vice Chair – Ramona Demchsak
Treasurer – Barbara Cowan